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State Agency Spending Search
State Agency Spending
Time Period You can select two time periods:
  1. 4/1/2012 to the present (Statewide Financial System data); and
  2. Prior to 4/1/2012 (Central Accounting System data).
Fiscal Year A fiscal year is the accounting period for New York State which begins on April 1 and ends on March 31. Time Increment The system updates data each month and summarizes it into quarterly and annual reports. The New York State quarters are:
  • Quarter 1: April 1 - June 30
  • Quarter 2: July 1 - September 30
  • Quarter 3: October 1 - December 31
  • Quarter 4: January 1 - March 31
Report Type State spending report types are based on major spending categories. Export Data Use one of three options to download tab delimited files of state spending data (which includes SFS appropriation chart string values for SFS data). You can download:
  • Entire report of your Custom Report (up to 500 pages)
  • All April 1, 2012 to present data (Statewide Financial System data), in both tab-delimited and comma-delimited file formats
  • All April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2012 data (Central Accounting System data), in both tab-delimited and comma-delimited file formats
Note that these download, could take a significant amount of time.
Reset To clear all selections.
Time Period
Fiscal Year

Report Type

Date Last Updated: 12/31/2024.

Open Book State Spending provides information on budgetary activities such as payments, journal transfers, appropriated transfers, etc. The data may not match the information provided in the Office of the State Comptroller's cash reports or the State's financial plan because cash reports:
  • are based on all disbursements in a particular period; and
  • include accounting adjustments that don't affect the budget.
Links to additional spending information: