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Public authorities self-report financial information in the Public Authorities Reporting Information System (PARIS), an online data entry and collection system. They use PARIS to comply with various statutory and regulatory requirements. The Office of the State Comptroller does not independently verify the data that authorities enter.

For definitions of terms, see the Public Authorities Reporting Information System Glossary.

Public Authority Search
You can search two reports:
  • Summary Financial Information: Submitted by public authorities as part of the Annual Report filing, this report contains information from the statement of net assets and the statement of revenues, expenses, and change in net assets.

  • Debt: Submitted by public authorities as part of the Annual Report filing, this report contains information about the debt that public authorities have outstanding, as well as new debt issued and debt retired in the selected fiscal year.
Export Selection

Criteria for Current Search Results
  • Report Detail:
  • Report Type:
  • Years:
  • Authorities:
Public Authority Search
Report Detail When selecting Summary Financial, you must also select a Report Type: Trend or Comparison.

When selecting Debt, you must also select a Report Type: Trend, Comparison or Schedule of Debt.
Report Type Trend: This report will give data for one authority for up to six years for the Report selected, either Summary Financial Information or Debt.

Comparison: This report will give data for two to six authorities for one year for the Report selected, either Summary Financial Information or Debt.
Fiscal Year Ending Note that public authorities have a variety of fiscal years and that fiscal year information prior to 2007 isn’t available online. Export Data Use one of three options to download summary financial information. You can download:
  • the results of your data search formatted for Excel;
  • all of the data, formatted for Excel;
  • all of the data, in both tab-delimited and comma-delimited file formats.
Report Type
Fiscal Year Ending
Authority Type Authority

Date Last Updated: 07/26/2024